Application details: 14/00779/FUL
- Application Reference:
- 14/00779/FUL
- Planning Portal Reference Number:
- PP-03729049
- Address Of Proposal:
- London Southend Airport, Southend Airport, Rochford, Essex, SS2 6YF
- Proposal:
- Installation of a photovoltaic solar farm and associated infrastructure, including photovoltaic panels, mounting frames, transformer building and connection to the airports electricity ring main for the life of the solar farm
- Type of Application:
- Full Application
- Status:
- Application Refused
- Decision:
- Refuse Planning Permission
- Appeal Status:
- Decision Type:
- Weekly Schedule
- Environmental Impact Assessment Received:
- No
- Case Officer:
- Mrs Claire Buckley -
- District Reference:
- No details
- Parish:
- Rochford Parish Council
- Ward:
- Rochford