Application details: 14/00814/CM
- Application Reference:
- 14/00814/CM
- Planning Portal Reference Number:
- ESS/44/14/ROC
- Address Of Proposal:
- Wallasea Island Wild Coast Project, Creeksea Ferry Road, Wallasea Island, Essex,
- Proposal:
- Continuation of the importation of waste to develop a coastal nature reserve without compliance with condition 2 (compliance with submitted details) attached to permission ref ESS/09/14/ROC to allow modifications to the landform design within Cells 1 and 5, including a net reduction of suitable natural waste material in Cell 1 by approximately 450,000m3.
- Type of Application:
- County Matter Application
- Status:
- Application Permitted
- Decision:
- Application Permitted
- Appeal Status:
- Decision Type:
- Environmental Impact Assessment Received:
- No
- Case Officer:
- Mr Mike Stranks -
- District Reference:
- No details
- Parish:
- Canewdon Parish Council
- Ward:
- Ashingdon And Canewdon